Empowering Immigrant community in Northern California

| Centro del Pueblo

Shot and edited by Marcus Villagran.

Centro del Pueblo is an advocacy group for the immigrant population in Humboldt County, CA. Since the global pandemic, undocumented immigrants have been especially at risk for unsafe work conditions, evictions, hunger and more. This video is a message to immigrants in Humboldt County.

High fashion belts & buckles for almost 50 years

| NEST Garment District Makers

This is part of a 12-video series to amplify the stories of maker businesses in the historic Garment District in New York. Sherry Accessories has been manufacturing belts and buckles for almost 50 years.

Planned, shot and edited by Marcus Villagran. In collaboration with Nest, a non-profit that supports makers, and the Garment District Alliance (GDA).

Students gain culinary experience in a professional kitchen

| Career & Technical Education with WCIA

High school students are given the opportunity to get real world experience in a professional kitchen that serves hundreds of meals a day. This film successfully secured grant funding to expand the kitchen space allowing for more students to benefit from the program.

Directed, shot and edited by Marcus Villagran. In collaboration with cinematographer Michelle Hanks.

Survivors of incarceration and addiction re-enter the workforce

| Westside Community Improvement Association

This short documentary was used to secure funding for a program that trains survivors in construction and restoration trades so that they can attain gainful employment in Northern California.

Planned, shot and edited by Marcus Villagran. In collaboration with cinematographer Michelle Hanks.

Using theater to foster community for Latinx youth and adults

| Centro del Pueblo

Artistas Santuarios is a 6-video series highlighting and documenting the stories and craft of Latinx artists in Humboldt County, CA. It is funded by Centro del Pueblo, an organization advocating for indigenous and Latinx immigrant rights in the region.

Planned, shot, and edited by Marcus Villagran.

The initiative to bring quality jobs to California

| Clip from Redwood Region RISE Overview

One of 6 videos produced for California Jobs First, a multi-million dollar initiative to fund economic development plans that will create equitable access to quality jobs in the region. RISE convened hundreds of leaders representing the major industries and stakeholders of Northern California. This video covers the Arts, Culture, and Tourism sector.

Planned, shot, and edited by Marcus Villagran. In collaboration with the Center for Rural Policy.

How to manage our emotions when we lose |

Clip from K-5 Social Emotional Learning series

This clip comes from a 20-episode Social Emotional Learning (SEL) series for grades K-5 through Green Our Planet Studios. The series teaches students breathing and mindfulness techniques to manage their emotions. The characters onscreen are animated using cutting-edge motion capture technology and creative motion graphic design. 

Edited and co-written by Marcus Villagran. In collaboration with the Center for Mind Body Medicine.